10 Light Years @ Filmótica Studio
15th - 27th April, 2024
Av. Ignasi Wallis 8. Ibiza 07800
Opening times: Monday to Saturday, 10h - 13h and 17h - 20h.
“The encounter between human and machine is the central drama of our time.”
Myron Krueger
Filmótica hosts the latest exhibition by Nourathar Studio. Current members of this creative technologies lab are Caen Botto and Marta Rupérez. The show celebrates
the duo’s first decade on Ibiza. The studio's work explores the impact of technology on our perception, as well as the subjective nature of reality.
Their hypnosophical devices, installations and performances suggest a poetic relationship with technology that encourages inner silence, as an alternative to the technological cacophony that surrounds and distracts us.
The confluence of proto-cinematic techniques with digital tools in this exhibition, draws audiences into a dreamscape inhabited by futurities from an imaginary past and memories of an oneiric future.
Nourathar's interactive artworks, on the other hand, invite users to explore the connections between the light, colour and sound spectra.
· Nourathar Artist Talk
Wednesday April 17th, 7 – 9pm
The founders of Nourathar will offer a presentation about their practice and the artworks on view at Filmótica.
Free entrance (limited capacity).
· Masterclass:
Digital synesthesia: history and practice of sound-light arts. 100 years of multi-modality
Wednesday April 24th, 6 – 9pm
Synesthesia is an perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in another sensory pathway, such as
in a crossing of the senses. Digital synesthesia uses numerical, sound and visual resources, to emulate this perceptual phenomenon in an extrinsic and voluntary way.
The masterclass will offer a historical introduction to art movements and creatives who, since the beginning of the 20th century, have incorporated technological tools in their
search for the multi-modal expression (and perception) that occurs in this encounter of the senses. The presentation will also include examples of contemporary artistic practices that explore the relationship between the spectrums of light and sound.
Reservations: studio@filmotica.com