π of Life

Interactive, multi-projection installation, generative 3D environment


Artist: Nourathar Studio

Authors: Caen Botto & Marta Rupérez

Title: π of Life

Date: 2019

Medium: Site specific, interactive installation; computer, projectors, skeletal tracking system (Kinect), audio interface, speakers and ultra sonic speakers.

Custom application developed in Max/MSP/Jitter by Caen Botto

Dimensions (cm): Variable

The future is as irrevocable, as the inflexible yore.

There is not a thing that is not a silent letter of the

eternal, undecipherable script whose book is time.

He who withdraws from home has already

returned. Our life is the future and wandered path.

Rigor has woven the skein

J.L Borges: For a version of the I Ching


Life is similar to a program that executes itself - like DNA or a seed - and whose development is modified by contextual interferences; it follows a pre-established growth pattern that develops according to the interaction with the environment.

The interaction of users with π of Life symbolizes the influence of the environment. The uncertainty principle is also represented; in quantum mechanics it establishes that the observer modifies the phenomenon.

This interactive installation presents two projections that are equivalent to two parallel perspectives on the life cycle: a temporary one, on the wall, shows the evolution in time; the other projection, on the floor, represents a spatial perspective and indicates the position in space over time.

The generative graphics of the work correspond to the life cycle, whose beat also resonates in the sound of the installation. Application developed using Max / MSP / Jitter.